Intellectual Property

The products, services, methods and technologies described in this website are protected by United States and international intellectual property rights of Active Media Services, Inc., including, but not limited to, the intellectual property identified below.

Trademark Notice

activeinternational, Active International®, Achieve More®, Achieve More in the What’s Next Economy®, and Creating Value with Every Trade®, are logos and trademarks owned by Active Media Services, Inc., which are protected by registered and common law rights. Any unauthorized use is expressly prohibited.

Copyright Notice

The images, content and works described in this website are protected by United States and international copyrights of Active Media Services, Inc.

Patent Notice

Unwired System – U.S. Patent No. 10,701,457

Unwired System – Pending U.S. Patent App. Pub. No. 2020/0288214.

Optics – Pending Us Patent App. Pub. No. 17/484,219.

This page was updated 8.31.22